118 results
Sefton Allotment Survey
This consultation will seek the views of plot holders, those currently waiting and those not on the current lists to seek their views on Sefton’s allotments. MoreClosed 13 August 2021 -
Southport Walking and Cycling Route - Hesketh Park to the Plough
Sefton Council are improving our streets and transport networks to support the Sefton 2030 Vision and our commitment to act on Climate. The Southport Walking and Cycling Route creates a link from Hesketh Park to the Plough. MoreClosed 25 July 2021 -
Further Information
Here you will find further information related to our streets in Sefton, how we design for people walking and cycling, the health benefits of walking and cycling, Seftons Air Quality Reports and information on what you have already told us. Designing for people walking and cycling The Department for Transport have provided local authorities with a document which helps us to design better streets for people cycling. This is called Local Transport Note 1/20 Wheels for... MoreClosed 25 July 2021 -
Your Roads and Streets
We want to find out your views about your roads and streets throughout Sefton. This information will help us to shape our plans and what we do in the future. MoreClosed 25 July 2021 -
Crosby Coastal Path - new and upgraded cycleway and footway
Sefton Council are improving our streets and transport networks to support both our Sefton 2030 Vision and to deliver our commitment to the Climate Emergency Declaration 2019. This scheme will provide a new and upgraded cycling and walking route between Crosby Leisure Centre and Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre. It will also link to the new cycling provision being delivered on Great Georges Road, and provide a link to Potters Barn Park and beyond to the Rimrose Valley. A section of... MoreClosed 4 July 2021 -
Related Policy
There are lots of policy documents which are set at a national, regional and local level which are important to think about when we look to shape our plans for our local streets. Here are links to policy documents which you may find useful. National Documents Gear Change - a bold vision for cycling and walking Regional Documents Liverpool City Region - Local Transport Plan Liverpool City Region - Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan ... MoreClosed 30 June 2021 -
Sefton Parent-Carer SEND Survey 2021
Dear Parents/Carers, We would like to gather your views, as parents/carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), on what is going well and what could be improved in our local area. We would be grateful if you could complete this survey on Education, Health and Social Care services and the information and support you receive. Your individual personal information will not be shared with services. Please use a... MoreClosed 26 March 2021 -
Sefton Community Substance Use Service User Survey
The Council's Public Health Team are currently looking at how community drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services are provided in Sefton. We would like to hear your feedback on accessing the service, the support you receive and whether there are any gaps, the way the service is promoted and any ideas you have on how this can be improved. We are also keen to hear your thoughts around any ways in which we can reduce any social stigma (discimination and disapproval of people who... MoreClosed 1 March 2021 -
Sefton Solid Fuel Survey: Tell Sefton Council What You Know
Do you think you’re burning the best fuel, using the more environmentally friendly stove which reduces air pollution or fancy yourself as a pollution expert? Perhaps you know that you still have lots to learn? Are you a current stove owner or are you planning to install a stove within your home? Help Sefton by answering a few questions before exploring our website to show us your current knowledge, your answers will also help to adapt the materials available online to help... MoreClosed 26 February 2021 -
Southport Golf Links Consultation
Green Sefton are looking at improving the course and facilities at Southport Golf Links. There are no funds available for investment at this time, but we would like your opinion on priorities and options, which will help form the way forward in any future developments for the Course. This survey only relates to the areas run by Green Sefton and not facilities within the Golf Clubs on site. This survey is anonymous. However, please note that at the end of this survey, before... MoreClosed 20 November 2020 -
Public Space Protection Order for Dog Control
Sefton had a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Dog Control in place from July 2017 to July 2020. Public Space Protection Order for Dog Control PSPOs form part of the powers available to local authorities to help tackle anti-social behaviour on a local level. The PSPO for dog control in Sefton ensured that the council had the ability to enforce the requirements and restrictions that encourage responsible dog ownership across the borough. Please note that a consultation... MoreClosed 5 October 2020 -
Accessing Services for Children with Additional Needs and Disabilities Guidance Feedback Survey
The Aiming High Service Disabled Children's Team have prepared Draft Guidance to Accessing Services for children with additional needs and disabilities. Sefton expects that all children and their families should have the same range of opportunities, regardless of ability. We want children with additiona need and disabilities to be included in all services, and for families to be able to access services without advice and agreement from a professional, which can take time. ... MoreClosed 14 September 2020 -
Green and Clean
Creating places for people to lead healthy lives and addressing climate change are two of the biggest challenges that we currently face. Southport starts from a position of strength. The coast, the parks, gardens and green spaces in the town all contribute to making it a healthy place to live, work and visit. Opportunities for walking and cycling within the town also helps people to stay healthy and active. The masterplan seeks to invest in... MoreClosed 20 July 2020 -
Better Connected
Southport is close to the major cities of the North west, its mainline railway stations and international airports . The quality of its transport connections to the wider region and beyond are critical to ensuring access to business, visitor and job markets. Within the town it is important that transport infrastructure (such as roads, rail, interchange facilities, cycle and pedestrian routes) support residents, businesses and visitors in... MoreClosed 20 July 2020 -
World Class Waterfront
The waterfront is the area between the promenade and the beach. It contains some of the town’s best loved features including parks and gardens, the iconic pier, the Marine Lake, Pleasureland and the theatre and convention centre. It is an important area in welcoming visitors, and the leisure and business tourism it caters for supports many businesses and jobs in Southport. The masterplan proposes improvements and investment in this area so that it offers a... MoreClosed 20 July 2020 -
Thriving Town Centre
For many people, Lord Street is one of the most important features of Southport. This grand boulevard was once lined with boutique shops and it was considered to be one of the most exclusive shopping streets in the country. Today, Lord Street and the town centre face challenges as more shopping has moved online. With the decline of high street retail, other areas of the town centre, such as Chapel Street, Tulketh Street and London Street face... MoreClosed 20 July 2020 -
Stronger Economy
Southport has historically been a prosperous place with low unemployment and deprivation levels, however its economy is very reliant on tourism and retailing. Both of these business sectors face challenges and need investment to ensure that the town can compete for customers and visitors in the future. The effects of Covid-19 on the town are not fully known, but it is already clear that unemployment is rising and there is a need to support existing businesses... MoreClosed 20 July 2020 -
Public Space Protection Order for Dog Control - Suspended
Sefton introduced a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Dog Control in July 2017. Public Space Protection Order for Dog Control PSPOs form part of the powers available to local authorities to help tackle anti-social behaviour on a local level. The PSPO for dog control in Sefton ensures that the council has the ability to enforce the requirements and restrictions that encourage responsible dog ownership across the borough. MoreClosed 1 April 2020 -
Churchtown Parish Council Consultation
This consultation is to ascertain the views of the members of the public in respect of the formation of a Churchtown Parish Council. This phase of consultation is an information gathering exercise. In the survey there will be more information and frequently asked questions which you can read before you answer the questions. There is also a map of Churchtown included in the survey. A map of Southport can be found in the Related Documents below. ... MoreClosed 26 March 2020 -
Crossens Parish Council Consultation
This consultation is to ascertain the views of the members of the public in respect of the formation of a Crossens Parish Council. This phase of consultation is an information gathering exercise. In the survey there will be more information and frequently asked questions which you can read before you answer the questions. There is also a map of Crossens included in the survey. A map of Southport can be found in the Related Documents below. Please... MoreClosed 26 March 2020 -
Great Georges Road Walking and Cycling Improvements
In Summer 2019, Sefton Council declared a Climate Change Emergency , which is a Council resolution to take action to combat the effects of climate change. The declaration identified that business as usual is no longer an option and that our children deserve a liveable Sefton. Sefton Council are committed to reducing its carbon emissions to net zero by 2030 and we are now working out how best to do this. Road transport, cars, buses and lorries etc, also contribute to levels of poor air... MoreClosed 2 March 2020 -
Green Lane (Formby) Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan Consultation
Sefton Council has a statutory duty to formulate and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas. MoreClosed 3 January 2020 -
Sefton Highways Annual Survey
Welcome to our annual survey, and thank you for taking the time to participate and give us your views. The Highway network is the largest community fixed asset for which local authorities are responsible. It is vital and fundamental to the economic, social and environmental well-being of the community. The survey will help us to understand what you think of Transportation and Highway Infrastructure services in Sefton, including: The condition of the roads Street... MoreClosed 31 October 2019 -
Stop Smoking Service
Smokefree Sefton is a specialist part of Living Well Sefton (LWS), it helps people who want to give up or reduce the harm associated with smoking. The service is free and confidential for Sefton residents and includes regular 121 support combined with products such as NRT to help people quit. The service has been designed to be flexible and accessible, offering packages of support that are tailored to individual. Advice is provided in a range of community settings, can be face to face,... MoreClosed 31 October 2019 -
Southport Market Consultation
Sefton Council is committed to ensuring Southport Market continues to operate and make a positive contribution to the local economy as well as becoming a key visitor destination. The proposal is to introduce more hot food outlets with a large events space to the rear, which would allow for a variety of uses including high quality markets. Please note that no decisions have been made yet. MoreClosed 24 October 2019 -
Developing Sefton's Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2025
What is this survey about? This survey asks about what matters most to you about being healthy and happy. Your responses will help us to make our plans for health and social care in Sefton for the next 5 years. This will make sure that the services and opportunities that are available to support people in Sefton will help them to have the best life they can. What is the Sefton Strategic Needs Assessment? The Sefton Strategic Needs Assessment is a report about the needs... MoreClosed 20 September 2019 -
0-19 Healthy Child Programme
Sefton Council is looking at 0-19 Health services provided in Sefton and they would really like to know what you think about them. The 0-19 team has school nurses, health visitors, and nursery nurses. They can help you with any health questions or worries you have. They also carry out health checks and provide immunisations for children and young people. You may not have used theses services knowingly but it is important that when you do need help, you know how to get it. We want... MoreClosed 31 August 2019 -
Waterloo Public Spaces Protection Order Proposal
In the last eight months, there has been an increase in the reporting of Anti-Social Behaviour and Low-Level Crime in the Waterloo area. To enable Sefton Council and Merseyside Police to tackle this we are proposing a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) be put in place to enable powers to tackle those who cause such problems, we would like your views on this proposal. Please read the document 'Waterloo PSPO Flyer' and look at the maps before answering the questions. MoreClosed 31 July 2019
118 results.
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