Crossens Parish Council Consultation

Closed 26 Mar 2020

Opened 13 Feb 2020


This consultation is to ascertain the views of the members of the public in respect of the formation of a Crossens Parish Council.

This phase of consultation is an information gathering exercise.

In the survey there will be more information and frequently asked questions which you can read before you answer the questions.  There is also a map of Crossens included in the survey.  A map of Southport can be found in the Related Documents below.

Please note that at the end of this survey, before submitting your results, you will be asked if you want to provide an email address so that you can receive a PDF copy of your response. This is completely optional. The email address is only used to send the email to you via the online consultation system provided by Delib as the data processor. The email address will not be stored with the responses and Sefton Council will not have access it. You may be asked for your email address as part of the survey and if so, there will be a Privacy Notice explaining why we are asking for this and you can choose whether to provide your email address or not on this basis.







  • Meols


  • Local residents


  • Democracy