Sefton Community Substance Use Service User Survey

Closed 1 Mar 2021

Opened 15 Feb 2021

Feedback updated 19 May 2022

We asked

During 2021/22 we asked service users and other stakeholders about the substance use treatment service. Our aim is to deliver a modern, integrated, recovery orientated, substance use treatment service for individuals in Sefton who need support to recover from substance use and get their lives back on track.

We wanted to engage with key stakeholders i.e. service staff, pharmacists, partner organisations within the local pathway and service users to get your feedback.

The main themes of all the engagement were around awareness of service, feedback of referral process, quality of service, any gaps in service, any barriers, and stigma.

You said

On the whole respondents were positive about the local service provision and particularly the key workers. Some suggestions you said were:

  • There needs to be more awareness of support on offer from the service and better promotion.
  • There were some barriers and stigma to accessing the service for some people that need support e.g. alcohol users,
  • Community co- location in other venues may help create wider access.
  • Service is very focused on medical/clinical support needs to be wider. Also, there is a need to improve access to mental health support.
  • Lack of group sessions and peer led support in service and wider holistic support model was identified as being needed this links to the demand for a more support for Mental Health after care/ recovery support.
  • Improved service site hubs particularly in Bootle,
  • The need for more outreach work in the community for those who find it difficult to engage,
  • Better communication between service and pharmacies delivering shared care. E.g., contact available out of hours and more formal communication around medications.

We did

This is what we have done/are planning to do:

  • We have planned a stakeholder engagement event and service user day. There will promotion of the service via social media and in local neighbourhoods andl places e.g. pharmacies, GPs, and community venues.
  • The highly valued key worker model will be retained within the new service
  • Improvements on service sites
  • To offer an alternative to the main service sites, there will be satellites in the community in more generic venues to widen access and address stigma.
  • There will be an enhanced outreach service to facilitate engagement with more vulnerable cohorts and those reluctant to engage with the service.
  • A strengthening and a much larger peer led support model and more holistic engagement. A volunteer model to engage residents in service delivery.
  • An extension of psychology and counselling support in house services.
  • Strengthening of links with pharmacies to improve communications including electronic systems and contact out of hours e.g. Saturdays.


The Council's Public Health Team are currently looking at how community  drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services are provided in Sefton.

We would like to hear your feedback on accessing the service, the support you receive and whether there are any gaps, the way the service is promoted and any ideas you have on how this can be improved.  We are also  keen to hear your thoughts around any ways in which we can reduce any social stigma (discimination and disapproval of people who use this service) and make the sites and services appealing to our residents.
































Why your views matter

We would welcome your thoughts and comments on what works well and how they could be improved. All information will be confidential, treated anonymously and not attributed to any individual.

Please note that at the end of this survey, before submitting your results, you will be asked if you want to provide an email address so that you can receive a PDF copy of your response. This is completely optional. The email address is only used to send the email to you via the online consultation system provided by Delib as the data processor. The email address will not be stored with the responses and Sefton Council will not have access to it. 

What happens next

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.  All feedback will help us to make improvements to the service.


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