Accessing Services for Children with Additional Needs and Disabilities Guidance Feedback Survey

Closed 14 Sep 2020

Opened 9 Jul 2020


The Aiming High Service Disabled Children's Team have prepared Draft Guidance to Accessing Services for children with additional needs and disabilities.

Sefton expects that all children and their families should have the same range of opportunities, regardless of ability.

We want children with additiona need and disabilities to be included in all services, and for families to be able to access services without advice and agreement from a professional, which can take time.

Services that do not require professional involvement are known as ‘universal’ and ‘targeted’ support and should be the first option for all families of children with disabilities.

If a child has needs that means they cannot use these services, the Local Authority can help provide additional specialist support.

A guidance has been developed to help parents & carers to understand how to access services for children with disabilities and the criteria used for an assessment for services.

This guidance explains

  • different levels of support available
  • the first steps to take when you feel you need support
  • how to access services at all levels

Here is a link to the Draft Guidance for you to read prior to answering the questions.

Why your views matter

The purpose of the survey is to check whether parents and carers and people who work with children with additional needs and disabilities think the Guidance is:

  • jargon-free
  • clear about the eligibility for council services 
  • clear about the availability of services and referral routes 


Please note that at the end of this survey, before submitting your results, you will be asked if you want to provide an email address so that you can receive a PDF copy of your response.  This is completely optional.  The email address is only used to send the email to you via the online consultation system provided by Delib as the data processor.  The email address will not be stored with the responses and Sefton Council will not have access to it.  


What happens next

It is our intention to make the Guidance an effective working document.  Our aim is to make it as short as possible, easy to understand and to use. 

Once the consutlation feedback is analysed, the draft final document will be discussed at relevant Boards and subgroups before being signed off by Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Safeguarding.

The final document should also dovetail with the current Sefton Children’s and Young People’s Plan and the Sefton Local Children’s Safeguarding Board revised Levels of Need document and the Early Help Strategy. 


  • All Areas


  • Parents and Carers


  • Social care
  • Early Help