Pharmacies and Chemists in Sefton

Closed 18 Dec 2024

Opened 28 Oct 2024



What do you think about the pharmacies you use in Sefton? Are there enough? Are they in the right places, and open at times which suit you?

Please let us know your opinions on community pharmacy services by completing this quick and easy survey.

The provisional closing date for the survey is Monday 2nd December. 


What is this survey about? What is it for?

This survey usually happens once every three years. Information from the survey answers goes into a big report called the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA for short).  The current PNA is available here.

The survey results will be studied along with other kinds of information to decide whether there are any places in Sefton that need more or different community pharmacy services. The PNA report can help businesses decide if they should apply to open a new pharmacy in Sefton.

Do I have to do the survey?

No. It is your choice whether you answer some, all, or none of the questions. If you are unsure about doing the survey, talking to someone you trust may help you decide.

Do I have to give my name?

No. The survey does not ask for your name. This means any information you put in the survey cannot be linked to you, i.e. the survey is anonymous.

Please note that at the end of this survey, before submitting your results, you will be asked if you want to provide an email address so that you can receive a PDF copy of your response. This is completely optional. The email address is only used to send the email to you via the online consultation system provided by Delib as the data processor. The email address will not be stored with the responses and Sefton Council will not have access it. To download the privacy notice for the survey, please see related documents at the bottom of this page.

Why your views matter

Who should complete this survey?

Completing the survey is voluntary, but we would like to hear from anyone who lives in Sefton and who uses high street pharmacies and chemists

It is very important to understand the experiences of people who might find it harder to go to a pharmacy or get the help they need. For example, someone who has

  • A physical or learning disability.
  • Little money.
  • English as a second language.
  • A hearing or sight impairment or other communication differences.
  • A temporary address or is homeless.
  • Other big difficulties in their life, e.g. problems with alcohol or drugs, experience of abuse or neglect, or who feels isolated.

It is also valuable to hear from people who are likely to use pharmacy services a lot. For example,

  • Seniors.
  • Carers.
  • Those with a serious physical or mental health condition.
  • Parents.

Who will see my answers?

Only a few people involved in writing the report will be able to look at the survey responses.

Information collected from this quick and easy survey, whether online or on paper will be kept safe and secure on Liverpool and Sefton Councils’ computer network or at the Magdalen House council building in Bootle. The information will only be kept for as long as it is needed to write the reports. It will be deleted or disposed of confidentially no later than nine months after the final PNA report is published.

Click the related links below to read the Sefton Council privacy notice for this survey and a printable, accessible version of the survey. 

How can I find out about what the survey discovers?

An early summary of the findings will be reported at the Sefton consultation and engagement panel in the new year and publicised on the Council website. 

A summary of the results and main points from this survey will also be included in the main PNA report, which will be published online on the Sefton Council website in October 2025.

What if I have a complaint about something to do with a local pharmacy?

This survey is not the right way to raise a complaint about a particular pharmacy or about something that happened to you at a pharmacy. You should begin by explaining to the person in charge at the pharmacy what happened and why you are dissatisfied.

If you feel that you could not resolve your issues with the pharmacy directly then please contact NHS England feedback and complaints or phone 0300 311 22 33 for further options.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Public health