Crosby Interim Coastal Defences

Closes 3 Jun 2024

Opened 19 Mar 2024

Results expected 15 Jul 2024

Feedback expected 29 Jul 2024


Crosby Interim Coastal Defences aims to protect the coastline from being lost where a path and pipeline are at high risk of being lost. The area north of Crosby Coastguard Station is being washed away because of large waves and storms moving sand and rubble away from the area. Normally in this area, we generally see loses between 0.5m to 1m per year, but in winter 2013/14 13m was lost. 

There are no properties at risk of being washed away, but the pathway that is part of the King Charles III coastal walking path and a national cycling route is at risk of being washed away. This path is also used to get to the sewer pumping station building. Landward of the path is a large sewer pipe buried in the ground that takes foul water from about 12,000 properties in Crosby and Hightown and is also at risk. 

Why your views matter

It is important for you to be aware of the plans and provide your thoughts. This will allow us to consider information you give us which could change the plans before moving onto the next stage, which will be seeking necessary approvals and construction methods to undertake the work.   

Give us your views


  • Blundellsands


  • Anyone from any background


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