Sefton All-Age Carers Strategy Consultation

Closed 24 Mar 2024

Opened 23 Nov 2023


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The Sefton Carers Strategy 2024-2027 will set out our commitment to unpaid carers and shows how partners in the Borough will work together to support unpaid carers of all ages in Sefton.  

An unpaid carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

Why your views matter

The Strategy will be co-produced with unpaid carers and that they will help us to develop the Vision, Aims and Strategic Objectives for unpaid carers in Sefton and to help us come up with an action plan that will meet their needs during the life of the  Strategy.

These questions will be about the information in the draft ‘Sefton All Age Carers Strategy 2024 – 2027’, which is attached to this survey in the related documents section below. This survey should take around 15 mins.

Please note that at the end of this survey, before submitting your results, you will be asked if you want to provide an email address so that you can receive a PDF copy of your response.  This is completely optional.  The email address is only used to send the email to you via the online consultation system provided by Delib as the data processor.  The email address will not be stored with the responses and Sefton Council will not have access to it.  


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