Draft Education Excellence Strategy for Sefton 2021 – 2025
Educational Excellence is the name of the services that support children, young people and adults when learning in Sefton. They are led by Sefton Council.
This draft strategy is a plan of how we want to improve education services.
The information below gives more information about what we think should be the priorities and what we think needs to happen.
Priority 1–Children are ready for school.
Priority 2–Young People are well prepared for adulthood.
Priority 3–Children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) achieve their full potential.
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If you would like this survey in different formats, or need help to complete it, please contact nicola.robson@sefton.gov.uk
Why your views matter
We want to know what you think about the 3 priorities that we think are needed in Sefton.
Next there are some questions asking if you agree or disagree and to provide any comments on them.
This survey is anonymous. However, please note that at the end of this survey, before submitting your results, you will be asked if you want to provide an email address so that you can receive a PDF copy of your response. This is completely optional. The email address is only used to send the email to you via the online consultation system provided by Delib as the data processor. The email address will not be stored with the responses and Sefton Council will not have access it.
What happens next
The information provided will be used to help inform the final draft of the strategy, to ensure the strategy meets the needs of the Sefton Communities and the it can achieve the best outcomes for Sefton’s Children and young People.
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