Children and Young People Plan - Public Survey

Closed 10 May 2024

Opened 12 Feb 2024

Feedback updated 13 Mar 2025

We asked

We had a seperate survey for children and young people.

This survey was for members of the public and people who provided services or support to children and young people.

We wanted your ideas about how you think we can better support children and young people in Sefton and toget your feedback on the proposed priorities for the updated Children and Young People Plan.  This is a plan for all children and young people and their families.  The plan says how we aim to improve the health and wellbeing of all our children and young people living in Sefton.

You said

  • Sefton has some great places – beaches, coastline, schools, parks and green spaces and communities and the borough has potential to be an ever-greater place for children and young people. 
  • Some people said that not everyone has the opportunity to access activities and services. 
  • Many people are very concerned about the cost-of-living crisis.
  • Emotional and mental health and accessing support, and mental health and wellbeing was also identified as the main gap in the priority areas.  Some people s are concerned about not having timely access to services and early access to low intensity support and mental health support for neurodivergent children and young people.
  • In addition to mental health support, respondents are concerned about the waiting times for health services, including dentists, GP’s, and hospital appointments, with feedback referring to the long waiting lists having an impact on children and young people, school attendance and family life.
  • Support for children and young people with SEND was mentioned by some people. In addition to inclusive services, activities and opportunities, feedback was in connection to poor identification and assessment processes, a lack of knowledge and training, education provision, better playgrounds and activities, mental health support, support for parents and carers and services working better together.
  • Over half of the respondents are concerned about children and young people being active and being able to meet friends. Free/affordable leisure and youth activities is something that many respondents said is needed for children and young people in Sefton.
  • Some people are concerned about the tests and exams for children and young people. 
  • Some people are concerned about safety for children and young people. This includes safety online and safety after dark. Community safety and anti-social behaviour are mentioned with reports that children and young people do not feel safe, particularly in parks. 
  • Over two thirds of respondents are concerned about children and young people being listened to and about them being involved in decisions that affect them. Some people who responded also felt that it was important to listen to children and young people and parents and carers. 
  • Some people said that it was hard to rank the priorities and that they all should be a priority. Children being safe and protected was the number one priority, with the others all being identified as important. Mental health and wellbeing support was identified as the main gap in the priority areas.

We did

The feedback from this survey and the feedback from children and young people has been reported to the Children and Young People Partnership Board.  It will be used to develop the new Children and Young People's Plan 2025 - 2028.  This will be ready in April/May 2025.

A presentation about all of the feedback has also been given to:

  • The Strategic Youth Voice Steering Group
  • The Sefton Place Partnership
  • The Corporate Equalities Group 
  • The Public Engagement and Consultation Panel


UPDATE - 13th March 2025.

The survey closed on Friday 10th May 2024.  All of the feedback has been looked at and a report given to the Children and Young People Partnership Board.  (Please see the You Said/We Did information for a summary of the feedback).

Children and Young People Plan Full Feedback Information

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Why your views matter

We have a seperate survey for children and young people to complete called the SHOUT survey.  It is open to children and young people aged 8 - 19 (25 years SEND).  If children and young people want to take part , please click on this link. Sefton Community Survey (  


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At the end of the survey you will be asked if you want to give an email address so that you can receive a copy of your response. You do not have to do this. The email address is only used to send the email to you from Your Sefton Your Say. The email address will not be stored with the responses and Sefton Council will not have access it, unless you have given your email address as part of the survey.


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  • Parents and Carers
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