Southport Golf Links Consultation

Closed 20 Nov 2020

Opened 16 Oct 2020

Feedback updated 14 Dec 2021

We asked


The consultation was undertaken in October-November 2020 to seek the views of both golfers and non-players about the current management of the golf course, and its potential development in the future. This was promoted on site and on-line, with targeted efforts to the resident club, existing players, local schools, colleges and businesses. We received 177 responses.

This consultation was undertaken as part of a wider plan to develop both the course and existing facilities including the development of a driving range on site. The plan was to see the views of golfers, residents, business and visitors and use the information to develop a way forward for the course.

You said


From the questionnaire responses it is fair to say that the respondents enjoy the course, even though they feel the off-course facilities are inadequate. The condition of the course is felt to be acceptable and respondents appreciate that it stays open most of the year compared to other local courses. Despite the poor condition of facilities off the course, golfers do continue to use the course. Golfers would like to see improvements in all elements of the course, from the course itself, practice facilities and the built facilities too, while non-golfers would like improvements to the Whitehouse Café.

There is support for a Driving Range to be developed alongside improving the putting green already on site to upgrade the practice facilities available to users. There is an overwhelming response to improve the off-course facilities with re-opening the Whitehouse Café to provide a bar and clubroom with an associated food offer – somewhere for golfers to get hot food and drink before, during and after a round of golf. Interestingly a few non-golfers responded with the need for a bar as a social place for local residents bringing back a facility that was lost to the area a number of years ago. On the course itself, people would like to see improvements in and around the course including improving the drainage. There was overwhelming support for a possible redesign on the course to improve it.

Overall, the consultation has identified the need for significant investment in both the practice and built facilities at the course and has also identified where smaller investment is needed on the course. Investment is being sought to develop the practice facilities through a prudential loan and there is a long-term ambition to develop the Whitehouse Café to improve the built facilities / food and drink offer through a concession.

We did

What we are doing

Course improvements are on going with improvements to ditches (to aid drainage) and irrigation system planned in the winter of 21/22. Officers are looking at proposals to improve the wider course too with potential external investment in this.

Plans are being drawn up to consider opportunities for the Whitehouse café with a view to getting this back open and available for golfers and non-golfers alike.

These plans are part of an investment strategy for the course that is currently going through Council processes.


Green Sefton are looking at improving the course and facilities at Southport Golf Links. There are no funds available for investment at this time, but we would like your opinion on priorities and options, which will help form the way forward in any future developments for the Course. This survey only relates to the areas run by Green Sefton and not facilities within the Golf Clubs on site.

This survey is anonymous. However, please note that at the end of this survey, before submitting your results, you will be asked if you want to provide an email address so that you can receive a PDF copy of your response. This is completely optional. The email address is only used to send the email to you via the online consultation system provided by Delib as the data processor. The email address will not be stored with the responses and Sefton Council will not have access it.

What happens next

All the information will be collated and form a report to be considered by the Green Sefton Service Manager.


  • All Areas


  • Public
  • Schools
  • Stakeholders
  • Local residents
  • Children and Young people
  • Service users
  • Visitors/Tourists/Non-residents


  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Leisure
  • Sports & Physical activity