Early Education and Childcare Survey for Parents and Carers 2025

Closes 14 Apr 2025

Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice


Privacy Notice – Childcare consultation for parents and Carers

We thank you for participating in this consultation and we value your contribution.

The categories of this information that we collect, process, hold and share include:


We are collecting personal identifiers as part of this survey which includes an email address. This is so we can ensure only one response is received per resident/visitor.  Following validation of the data the IP addresses names will be deleted. Postcodes will be retained until the data has been fully analysed and a full report completed. 


Why we collect and use this information


The information you provide will help the Council to understand the childcare needs of parents and carers across Sefton. We will analyse the data alongside the information we collect from childcare providers to assess the sufficiency of childcare. We have a statutory responsibility to produce an annual report which can be accessed by the public and is presented to cabinet.


Storing this information


Any personal information that you provide to the Council as part of this consultation will be handled and used in compliance with the principles of the UK General Data Protection Regulation. Regardless of whether it is electronic or on paper it will be stored and processed securely and deleted within 2 years.  


The lawful basis upon which we use this data:


Article 6 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation

6(1)(e) – The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.


The data will be used to identify the childcare needs of families across Sefton and will be compared with the availability childcare places available.

To secure sufficient childcare places, local authorities are required by legislation to:

Secure sufficient childcare, so far as is reasonably practicable, for working parents, or parents who are studying or training for employment, for children aged 0-14 (or up to 18 for disabled children).

They are required to report annually to elected council members on how they are meeting their duty to secure sufficient childcare and make this report available and accessible to parents.

The Council also asks equality monitoring questions to help it comply with the Equality Act 2010 to help us understand who is responding to the survey and to help us ensure that there is equality of opportunity for protected groups of people.

Confidentiality of data:

Your contributions will be anonymised on receipt and your comments will then be used for research and consultation purposes. Your identity and contact details will not be published by us at any stage without your consent.




Who we share this information with:

Your personal data will not be shared with any external organisations. Analysis or reports arising from the consultation will contain anonymised data.

Your personal data is not transferred outside of the UK

Requesting access to your personal data

You have the right, in certain circumstances to:

  • Object to processing of personal data that is likely to cause, or is causing damage or distress
  • Prevent processing for the purposes of direct marketing
  • Object to decisions being taken by automated means
  • In certain circumstances, have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed; and

The right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (the Information Commissioner’s Office)

Withdraw consent for the processing where consent is the lawful basis

To make a request for your personal information or to exercise any of your rights as set out above, please complete the Individual’s Rights Form found at the following link on our website or call 0345 140 0845

Privacy policy (sefton.gov.uk)

For more information about this Privacy Notice, please contact:

Kim Evans



The contact for this consultation is Kim Evans, Early Years Team, Education Excellence

Do you give consent to providing your details, in accordance with the Privacy Notice?
Please tell us the first part of your postcode (The first 3 or 4 letters and numbers).