Consultation about Empty Properties and Council Tax

Closed 27 Oct 2023

Opened 11 Sep 2023

Feedback updated 8 Jul 2024

We asked

In 2023 we carried out a consultation on a proposal to make changes to the Empty Homes premiums.

You said

  • There is potential for Empty Homes premiums to be used to improve areas suffering from anti-social behaviour due to empty properties attracting crime.
  • Empty Homes should be freed up to tackle issues such as homelessness. The council can gain funds through these proposals to improve services for residents.
  • Some owners had shared concerns about having increased bills at times of unforeseen cicrcumstances determining if a property is empty (such as passing of a relative or tenants unexpectedly vacating).

We did

The Feedback from the consultation was considered by cabinet on 18/01/2024 and the decision was made to approve the changes Empty Homes premiums. The reason for this is because:

  • The changes to Empty Homes premiums are designed to encourage owners to bring properties back in to use and help to ease housing supply pressures.
  • Owners of long-term Empty Properties who have expressed concerns about the difficulties and costs of bringing properties back into use can get advice from the Councils Housing Standards Team
  • Bringing homes back into use can also reduce negative impacts, such as anti-social behaviour, reductions in rental & market values on surrounding properties, desirability of an area.


***Consulation Extended until 27th October 2023***

The Government is bringing in new rules to allow Councils to make changes to Council Tax.

The new rules will affect properties that have:

  • been left empty for a long time. (Known as long term empty properties).
  • properties that are only lived in sometimes. (Known as second homes or holiday homes).

The changes for properties that have been left empty long term will happen from 1st April 2024.

The changes for properties that are only lived in sometimes will happen from 1st April 2025.

The new rules are:

  • Councils can charge double Council Tax on properties that have been left empty for 1 year. (This is called a premium charge of an extra 100% on top of the normal charge).
  • Councils can charge double Council Tax for properties that are only lived in sometimes. (This is called a premium charge of an extra 100% on top or the normal charge.

Sefton Council is thinking about making changes to Council Tax for properties:

  • that no one has lived in for a long time.
  • properties that are only lived in sometimes.

The Council would like you to tell us what you think about the changes that the Council could make.

Please note that at the end of this survey, before submitting your results, you will be asked if you want to provide an email address so that you can receive a PDF copy of your response.  This is completely optional.  The email address is only used to send the email to you via the online consultation system provided by Delib as the data processor.  The email address will not be stored with the responses and Sefton Council will not have access to it.  

What happens next

The results of this consultation will be reported to the Council Members at a Cabinet meeting in January 2024 and will help to inform the Council’s approach to Council Tax long term empty homes from 1st April 2024 and changes to Council Tax for properties that are only lived in sometimes from 01st April 2025.

The Cabinet recommendation will be considered by full Council at a meeting in January 2024.


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