109 results
Proposed changes to Council Tax Reduction Scheme from 1 April 2024
The council is thinking about making changes to the local Council Tax Reduction scheme for people who are working but also receiving Universal Credit. What is Council Tax? Council Tax is money that people pay each year for each and every home in Sefton. Sefton uses this money to pay for local services, such as: Schools Emptying bins Keeping the streets clean Street lights What is Council Tax... MoreClosed 13 October 2023 -
Have Your Say - Sefton Electoral Review (external)
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England is asking for your views on our electoral review of Sefton. The review will agree new ward boundaries across the council. MoreClosed 2 October 2023 -
Springbrook Survey 2023
The Springbrook Team welcomes your feedback and opinions to help us improve the home and the experiences of children who stay with us. MoreClosed 30 September 2023 -
Technology Enabled Care solutions and Assistive Technology Survey
Technology Enabled Care Solutions (TECS) describes a range of health and care technologies such as Telecare, Telehealth, Telemedicine /Teletriage and Home Activity Tracking Systems. In this survey we will be using the word TECS when talking about this. TECS is a way to describe community equipment and would cover all technologies such as phone applications and smart home adaptations (like Alexa, mood lighting, digital security furniture sensors to prevent falls in... MoreClosed 30 September 2023 -
Enforcement of Moving Traffic Restrictions in Sefton
Please note that at the end of this survey, before submitting your results, you will be asked if you want to provide an email address so that you can receive a PDF copy of your response. This is completely optional. The email address is only used to send the email to you via the online consultation system provided by Delib as the data processor. The email address will not be stored with the responses and Sefton Council will not have access it, unless you are being asked your... MoreClosed 25 September 2023 -
Hesketh Road Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan Consultation.
Local Authorities have a duty to review, from time to time their areas to ensure that places of special architectural or historic interest are being protected. The boundaries of existing Conservation Areas may be revised, new areas may be designated and those areas which have been eroded to the extent that their special character has been lost, may be de-designated. Under section 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the Council has a legal obligation to... MoreClosed 4 September 2023 -
Transport Committee - Calls for evidence on the effect of the proposal to close train ticket offices (external)
The Transport Committee has re-opened its call for evidence as part of its inquiry into Accessible Transport. The decision to re-open submissions comes after train operating companies launched consultations into plans to close over 300 ticket offices across the rail network. The Committee invites written evidence in response to these proposals, specifically addressing: How they could affect disabled people and travellers with access needs; What train companies and the... MoreClosed 1 September 2023 -
Cost of living implications in healthcare - (external survey)
Healthwatch Sefton is celebrating 10 years and they have launched their cost of living survey, to find out how it is impacting people’s access to healthcare. With NHS and social care services under pressure, Healthwatch Sefton is calling on more people to tell the NHS when they are doing a good job and when services can be improved and more specifically, how the rising cost of living is impacting their ability to access healthcare. MoreClosed 31 August 2023 -
Government consultation on proposals to exempt categories of dwellings from the council tax premiums in England (external)
The consultation from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities sets out their proposals on the range of possible circumstances where dwellings, in England, will not be liable for either the long-term empty homes premium, the second homes premium, or both. MoreClosed 31 August 2023 -
Culture Strategy Consultation
Sefton Council and partners are seeking to develop a cultural strategy for the Borough. By developing a shared vision for culture in Sefton we aim to celebrate and promote opportunities for cultural and creative participation across the Borough. We are asking people about their cultural lives – both as participants in creative and cultural activity, and as audience members attending events. The information we gather will help to inform the... MoreClosed 20 August 2023 -
Local maternity services listening event.
New and soon to be parents and carers in Southport and Ormskirk are being encouraged to share their views and experiences of maternity services at an upcoming listening event. Southport Ormskirk Sefton Maternity Voices Partnership are co-hosting a world café listening event with Ormskirk Maternity Services to gain valuable feedback from current and recent service users. Maternity Voices Partnerships are NHS working groups made up of a team of local... MoreClosed 14 July 2023 -
Sefton Physical Activity Strategy Consultation
This Survey is for people who live in Sefton . The questions are about your life and physical activity . We will use the information from the survey to write our Plan . This will help us to make physical activity easier for everyone. You can answer this Survey from 1 st April to 30 th June. It will take you up to 15 minutes to answer the questions. You might need help to fill in this survey. MoreClosed 9 July 2023 -
Feedback on Southport Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Route (Birkdale to Hesketh Park)
Closed 3 July 2023 -
Feedback on Bootle Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Route (Church Gardens to Merton Road / Pembroke Road Junction)
Closed 3 July 2023 -
Sefton Stop Smoking Service - People who have accessed/experienced the service
Sefton’s specialist stop smoking services is part of Sefton’s Living Well Service (LWS) and is available to all ages of Sefton residents. Sefton’s stop smoking service is available to provide tailored advice and support for those people who wish to give up smoking or using e-cigarettes. The service has been designed to be flexible and accessible, offering packages of support that are tailored to individual. Advice is provided in a range of community settings, can be face to... MoreClosed 18 June 2023 -
Sefton Stop Smoking Service - Stakeholder
Sefton’s specialist stop smoking services is part of Sefton’s Living Well Service (LWS) and is available to all ages of Sefton residents. Sefton’s stop smoking service is available to provide tailored advice and support for those people who wish to give up smoking or using e-cigarettes. The service has been designed to be flexible and accessible, offering packages of support that are tailored to individual. Advice is provided in a range of community settings, can be face to... MoreClosed 18 June 2023 -
Sefton Integrated Wellness Service - Living Well Sefton - People who have accessed/experienced LWS
Sefton Integrated Wellness Service Sefton’s Integrated Wellness Service ‘Living Well Sefton’ contributes to the aims of the Council priorities of mental health, reducing obesity and overweight and building community resourcefulness. Our service aims to help people who live in Sefton to make positive lifestyle changes. We want to offer practical support on a range of topics including Stopping smoking Sensible drinking Being more... MoreClosed 18 June 2023 -
Sefton Integrated Wellness Service - Living Well Sefton - Stakeholder
Sefton’s Integrated Wellness Service ‘Living Well Sefton’ contributes to the aims of the Council priorities of mental health, reducing obesity and overweight and building community resourcefulness. We want to help people who live in Sefton to make positive lifestyle changes. Our service aims to offer practical support on a range of topics including Stopping smoking Sensible drinking Being more active Being a healthy weight ... MoreClosed 18 June 2023 -
Sefton Integrated Wellness Service - Living Well Sefton/ Smokefree Sefton - People who have not accessed/experienced LWS
Sefton Integrated Wellness Service Sefton’s Integrated Wellness Service ‘Living Well Sefton’ contributes to the aims of the Council priorities of mental health, reducing obesity and overweight and building community resourcefulness. We want to help people who live in Sefton to make positive lifestyle changes. Our service aims to offer practical support on a range of topics including Stopping smoking Sensible drinking Being more... MoreClosed 18 June 2023 -
Statement of Licensing Policy Consultation
Closed 5 June 2023 -
Extra Care Housing Allocations Policy Consultation
Extra care housing is specialist housing provision designed for older people that combines accommodation with care and support services to offer safe, private and secure accommodation whilst allowing service users to retain their independence of having their own home. Sefton has a population that is living longer, and people tell us that a preference is to be able to remain in their own home, with the ability to access care and support if needed at some stage. For those... MoreClosed 11 April 2023 -
Sefton Childcare and Early Years Survey for Parents and Carers 2023
This survey is to find out from parents and carers what their experiences and needs are in relation to childcare. The information will be used to inform our Childcare Sufficiency Assessment. It will also help us plan to make sure there are enough high quality childcare places at the times and in the places that families need it in Sefton. MoreClosed 1 April 2023 -
Economies for Healthier Lives - Residents Survey (external)
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority are looking to understand experiences and/or perceptions of: Health barriers individuals may have, or have had, when trying to find work. Using health services (for example, GP, Practice Nurse, Community Mental Health team, NHS Direct) Using employment services (for example, Jobcentre Plus, Ways to Work, Talent Match). MoreClosed 31 March 2023 -
AMHP Out of Hours Survey
Sefton AMHP Service would like your thoughts and opinions on the potential development of a dedicated Out of Hours AMHP Service. MoreClosed 31 March 2023 -
Carers who support someone in a supported living home
Supported Living engagement Carers Surveys – Your Home Your Say Sefton Council is working jointly with Sefton Carers Centre and Healthwatch Sefton to understand the views carers have about Supported Living. The main reason for Supported Living is for people with an eligible care need to live in their own home and have control over the support they receive. Supported Living can look different for different people. For one person, a few hours support a week... MoreClosed 29 January 2023 -
Carers who support someone who may consider a Supported Living home in the future or are on the waiting list for Supported Living.
Supported Living engagement Carers Surveys – Your Home Your Say Sefton Council is working jointly with Sefton Carers Centre and Healthwatch Sefton to understand the views carers have about Supported Living. The main reason for Supported Living is for people with an eligible care need to live in their own home and have control over the support they receive. Supported Living can look different for different people. For one person, a few hours support a week may meet their... MoreClosed 29 January 2023 -
Supported Living Service User Survey
Sefton Council is working jointly with Sefton Carers Centre and Healthwatch Sefton to understand the views service users and carers have about Supported Living. At the end of the survey you will be asked if you want to give an email address so that you can receive a copy of your response. You do not have to do this. The email address is only used to send the email to you from Your Sefton Your Say. The email address will not be stored with the responses and Sefton Council will... MoreClosed 29 January 2023 -
Care Quality Commission - Because We Care Campaign (external)
Deaf and hard of hearing people are invited to give feedback on care. Local people are being encouraged to share their thoughts on the standards of care they receive at GPs, dentists, hospitals and care homes, with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). CQC is particularly keen to hear from deaf and hard of hearing people about their experiences and has teamed up with Disability Rights UK to help make this easier. People can give feedback on their own experiences... MoreClosed 31 October 2022 -
Climate Change Community Engagement Consultation
Sefton Council are asking all parts of our community for their views on how we tackle climate change together. You can access a guide to the words we use like ‘net zero carbon’ in the Fact Bank as part of this consultation. Below is an easy read copy of the Council's Climate Change Emergency Plan which explains what climate change is and what Sefton Council is doing about climate change in Sefton. You can also download a pdf of this document... MoreClosed 30 September 2022 -
Sefton Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Survey
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) 2022-2025 Consultation Sefton Health and Wellbeing Board are required by law to produce a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) every three years, and to make sure that it is available for stakeholders to comment on before it is finally published. The PNA describes pharmacy provision in Sefton together with when and where these are available. NHS England also uses the PNA when considering applications to open a new pharmacy,... MoreClosed 11 September 2022
109 results.
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